Oil extracted from these crops may be used for on-farm fuel production or culinary uses; the leftover meal may be used as a high protein livestock feed or soil amendment to boost fertility. The goal of our program is to develop best practices for oilseed production under our growing conditions.
Oilseed Production in the Northeast
Research and agronomic advice for sunflower and canola growers is provided in the “ , designed to provide basic information on planting, production, pest management, harvesting, and processing seed. Because oilseed crops are relatively new to the Northeast, making use of regional research is key to establishing a good crop.
Small-scale Oilseed Presses
Developing a Versatile Harvesting Tool for Oilseed Production: Swather
Agronomic Aspects of Oilseeds
Factsheets, Bulletins & Guides
Event Proceedings and Materials
2014 Oilseed Producers Workshop
Research Results
Research results for our oilseed trials conducted from 2010 to present.
Industrial Hemp
Information on our industrial hemp research program.
The Vermont BioEnergy Initiative, a program of the , has additional resources on oil crops for on-farm biodiesel and feed, including the following:
(A downloadable modeling tool)