
Arbor Day is a day set aside each spring to celebrate trees and all of their benefits. Although this national holiday was founded more than 150 years ago, the simple idea of establishing a special day for planting trees is now more important than ever. Trees are a key part of the solution to many challenges that communities face. Trees and urban forests have a number of important environmental benefits, including filtering air, capturing stormwater, and providing habitat for wildlife. They also provide social contributions that boost public health and stimulate economic growth.


In 2021, the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program, a partnership of University of Vermont Extension and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation, collaborated with the Vermont Department of Libraries to create and distribute Arbor Day Celebration Kits to 65 libraries in the state. Libraries signed up for kits, which contained a collection of tree-related items to distribute to library patrons. Kits included laminated tree tags, a tree-themed scavenger hunt, tree craft ideas, tree identification guides, a booklist, activity instructions, and sugar maple seed packets for backyard planting. Each kit had 30 copies of each item, enough for 1,950 participants. Due to the pandemic, libraries were in various stages of being open to the public, so flexibility was essential for usability. Staff at each library determined the best method to use for the materials to reach their patrons.


Half of the participating libraries packaged and distributed items on a reservation basis, while the other half hosted in-person events or partnered with local school teachers or after-school groups. Both options for distribution were successful with results measured through anecdotal responses from users. One teacher commented that "These kits are awesome. They are a great way for the library to collaborate with the local school." Another expressed gratitude, saying "Thank you so much for offering these kits to libraries. The resources are really good. The tree scavenger hunt is topnotch. It is super helpful to receive so many photocopies and other materials you give us! This saves me a lot of time and photocopying resources." Other patrons praised the kits as a valuable resource for promoting Arbor Day and the importance of trees to the environment. Many users mentioned the booklist and how they used it to select age-appropriate books to read at story hours. "We read the story to a group of 7- to 12-year-olds and discussed the two differing views on tree removal, then discussed the benefits and uses of trees in our daily lives," one patron commented. Book ideas from the kit also played a role in the day's activities for one town's Green Up Day, a statewide event held each May where volunteers pick up roadside litter in their communities. In one community, the drop-off site for filled Green Up bags was in the library parking lot. The volunteer coordinator noted that she did a story hour and read some books from the list before the community barbecue at the conclusion of the clean up. Given the responses, it was clear that participants were delighted to learn more about trees as they explored forests and neighborhood trees with the tools, guides, and craft ideas provided in the kits. The success of this year's event highlighted the importance of connecting people to the trees around them.

Public Value Statement

Arbor Day, a day that promotes education about and planting of trees, is unlike other holidays that mark and reflect upon the past. This day celebrates hope for a healthier future by fostering a better understanding and appreciation of the vital role that trees play in providing shade and cooling, creating habitat for wildlife, and combating climate change, among other purposes.

Statement Synopsis

A partnership between the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program and the Vermont Department of Libraries led to the creation and distribution of Arbor Day Celebration Kits, each containing a collection of tree-related items, to 65 libraries around the state.