ࡱ> PROa !bjbjZZ D0i0i EEEEE$iiiPDLi1"I_uuuPv$H1J1J1J1J1J1J13}6XJ1EPPJ1EEuu_1fffREuEuH1fH1ff./uXbPF.41u101.66(//6ED0fJ1J1r16 Y : SEARCH PLAN To be completed by the Department Chair and submitted to the Deans Office for review, approval, and submission to the Provosts Office for the final approval before beginning a search. This form must be submitted for all full-time faculty and officers of administration. Date: Title and Pathway: Department: Search Committee Chair: Phone #: Search Committee: List individuals responsible for recruiting, screening and interviewing: (membership should reflect diverse representation within the committee as well as from collaborating units). See guidelines below. Is encouraged to include 4 - 6 members, but must have a minimum of 4 members (New - effective July 1, 2023) It is encouraged, but not required, to include one member from either outside the recruiting department or outside the recruiting college or school* The recruiting department Chairperson should not chair it Must share in the campus-wide commitment to recruiting a diverse workforce Note: For TENURE TRACK recruitments only, the search committee should include one member from either outside the recruiting department or outside the recruiting college or school* * External committee membership will not be possible or appropriate in all cases. To the extent possible, external members of the committee should be fully involved in the search process. There may be aspects of the process, such as attendance at professional meetings, in which they might not participate. If the composition of a proposed search committee varies from the above guidelines, please attach an explanatory memo in the Supplemental Documentation Tab inPeopleAdminas "FACULTY - Other Document 1." Search Committee Members: Search Committee Chair (should not be recruiting department Chairperson) Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past two academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 1: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 2: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 3: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 4: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 5: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Search Committee Member 6: Name Rank Gender Home department Academic discipline Brief statement of research activity and search committee relevance Date of last AAEO training completion (must be completed within the past three academic years) or anticipated future date. The Search Committee charge from Dr. Wilcox meets this requirement. Summary of Advertising: List names of publication(s) and date(s) the ad will appear. Attach copies of all proposed advertisements. For Tenure Pathway Recruitments: Please follow Advertising Guidelines - Tenure-Track Faculty Recruitment: HYPERLINK "/provost/advertising-guidelines-tenure-track-faculty-recruitment"/provost/advertising-guidelines-tenure-track-faculty-recruitment a) Local Media: b) Regional Publications(s) c) National Publication(s): d) Minority Publication(s): e) WomensPublication(s): f) Professional Journals or Newsletters: g) Websites/Listserves: h) Other: Networking strategies: Please give specific examples (i.e., meetings to be attended, job postings and communications, colleagues to be contacted, training institutions with contact). Please keep a log of discussions with individuals, phone calls and email correspondence. (For Tenure Pathway Recruitments only): Please provide description of search process: Include plan for networking, broach outreach, and specific actions the department will take to widen its pool of applicants. Describe any changes implemented since last search by the unit and the expected outcomes of those changes. 4. Professional caucuses, institutions, and other organizations to be consulted. Attach copy of mailing list and letter to be sent. 5. Specific measures to be taken to solicit applications from women (include indication of formal measures, e.g. advertising or letter solicitation, and informal measures such as personal contacts). 6. Specific measures to be taken to solicit applications from people from diverse, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds (include formal and informal measures). 7. Use of colleges and universities with relatively large minority enrollment listing. 8. (For Tenure Pathway Recruitments only): Please attach rubrics (by rank) for each step of evaluation and any other information pertinent to the evaluation of candidates. Search committees are required to evaluate, and weigh accordingly, all information provided by the candidates (including diversity statement) during the first round of review. Further in the process the Interview Authorization must include approved rubric with the reviewers average score for each candidate for interview and possible interview.      PAGE 2   5CX     / ; < = > ? K L M e g r s t : = R S T 󯯣yhtCJaJhth`CJaJhth SCJaJhth`5CJaJhth\5CJaJhth.Y5CJaJhth[CJaJhth!'5CJaJhthPBCJaJhth.YCJaJhthF\CJaJhthF\5CJaJ*    > ? 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