ࡱ> EGD bjbj Bff\\\\\ppppp8::::::,k #\f\f\\{\\88V@>*v0 $0<Ty#y#\ffy# ":   Faculty Field Liaisons Site Visit Prompts The goal of liaison site visits is to support the work of the placement. This requires liaisons to enter into these meetings with immense curiosity about student assignments and skill development, supervisory practices, relationships within the broader agency or organization, the development of professionalism, social work identity, self-reflective practices and more. A transformative site visit experience is about engagement in the educational experience and, at its core, will be relational and authentic. The opportunity for change at any and all levels is always present. The hearing and the telling of the unique field stories of everyone in the meeting will surely assist in the development of the student as social worker, field instructor as teacher, the agency as academic environment, and of course, liaison as social work educator. Any of the meeting participants can act in the role of facilitator for these meetings. Consider the dynamics associated with each option. Please consider the prompts below as food for thought as you prepare for your site visit. The themes and encouragements for discussion were developed to provide opportunity for a deepening of the groups mutual understanding of progress and challenges. Please remember that your notes from site visits are informal and are not considered academic records. Therefore, if you have any information that you would like to record formally, please write a NOTE TO FILE and submit it to the field education coordinator. 1. Your overall impression of the match between the student, the field placement, and the field Instructor 2. Your overall impression of the following. Please pay particular attention to the areas you want to ask more about and/or make a plan about. a) Work with individuals on a one-to-one basis b) Work with families or work with individuals in the context of family c) Work with small groups of folks in a facilitative role d) Work with the organization at an organizational level of decision making or planning e) Work with community partners or work within the agency in the context of community 3. What the student and field instructor(s) say about their work together in supervision and the process of giving, receiving and asking for feedback. 4. What the student and field instructor say about how they are using the learning agreement. 5. What the student and field instructor say about making and completing the process record assignments. This includes the decisions about what to record, the quality of the record, and the feedback given by field instructor and liaison. 6. What gifts and strengths do you hear that the student and field instructor are bringing to this field placement work. Ask them to tell each other directly if they havent done so. Share your own observations in this area. 7. Is anyone identifying additional short or long term goals that should be developed at this time goals that require both concrete planning and your participation. For example, this would be a good time to talk about field hours if the student is more than 10 hours behind. If there is a need for such specific planning, a practice that has worked well in the past is when the plan is actually fully developed and written during this meeting and then signed to show agreement before everyone in attendance leaves. 8. Any questions the student or field instructor had for you that you want to follow up on or any comments or questions you would like to consult with the field education coordinator about. "*+  U y 3 S   : [ - . 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