ࡱ> =?< bjbjcc (vv::%C 9OOOO***M****.OO2FOO*m/;xF 0Cyy***: :    MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Visiting Worker in ̽̽ Laboratory In consideration of ̽̽ allowing non-affiliate ______________________to work in the Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory in Delehanty Hall, (name of non-affiliate) beginning _________________ through ______________, it is understood that such activity is (date) (date) voluntary and that I will receive no academic credit or remuneration. The nature of my service will include _____________________________________________________________(list tasks) and is intended to give me some useful work experience. I understand that I will be considered a volunteer of ̽̽ and that workers compensation insurance coverage is available to me for injuries that may arise out of my volunteer work in the laboratory. I agree to report any injuries to the laboratory supervisor as quickly as possible. I have been provided with online chemical safety training, lab-specific training and training in ̽̽s hazardous waste disposal protocol. I have been provided with adequate personal protective equipment and agree to utilize such protective equipment as appropriate. THEREFORE, in consideration of ̽̽ allowing me to work in the Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory, I hereby accept workers compensation as the sole remedy for any injuries I may sustain while performing such volunteer work. I also agree to release, relieve, and hold harmless ̽̽, its trustees, officers, employees, and agents from any liability or claim of liability, including liability for bodily injury or property damage arising out of or in connection with my volunteer work except such liability or claim of liability that may result from intentional wrongful acts committed by, or from the sole negligence of, ̽̽, its trustees, officers, employees and agents. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read this document and am signing it voluntarily. __________________________________ Signature of Non-affiliate ___________________________________ Printed Name of Non-affiliate ______________ Date  FILENAME \p S:\RMG\Please Review\Legal\Memos Of Understanding\MOU Non-affiliates in labs.doc ABl x   ( - 3 4 5 l m N}绲祛vjvh] 0JOJQJaJh?h] 0JOJQJaJ h] 6!h4h] 0JB*OJQJphh] 0JOJQJh?h] 0JOJQJh?h] 0J h?h] h] CJaJhfh] CJaJ h] >* h] 5hvSh] 5h] hH)jNhV@UjhV@U% BCS  m n  $%Igh & p@ P !gd] gd] $a$gd] hw|}}~heBh] CJaJmHnHuheBh] CJaJjheBh] CJUaJ&1h:p] / =!"8#$%NDd<VN  C *Auvmlogo2b9l,}Dn9l,}PNG  IHDR<`PLTEfG@*uYcwBk΢öTy}k݉ "XbKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsFIDAThC횋(%.EMx /V͜g8ۀQ55?58&[!nHY\oűwR8Uɖ\0H[uV^l߉dCً\xm/bE5o$QBt]@"F䅗KB^ 14#½8v?s;:Op%> #'exeykYAI* G } Q&uݘ@Ghh@"]JI, YYH[ܖܳDB[[ϹWDɂ K&$a '[ ki{)ZLĹ+D IGvvHUV@08ѪAӞd 'ª#jZ4;# Pv9HK[_! %aE>[-dt:DhpH"]$V4 Ù"E@& ׬VCV%íEBf(D矴ad#jJ)AaZ8d X&+I"@c4Иw_ş lKGgaqGpOdx32YԜNJU~L;ګXi=p2xvyF"^銦Me+@bE^Fi4x9%1zjWK7@$'JSvi8\h\\C 6!U6ϖpU~v&mx4y-E5@ϧV Z+ \8tڼF)T)[VkG۫1|ʌhMFkUδg_<`v,<;%A 4m,KI8EZ񻵓PbNX+$Iyq;+ʙ=(Di WI+JDڱɯ<@$ !dm ۟_ߊ@J搚9̔THw :׬WҒ?k3maoM !+8NDw#TA՛e0?"_T@AyIENDB`0Dd  P  C ,Arisk_logobd^E2 Q(8NKhn`d^E2 Q(8NKPNG  IHDR^PLTE1UهBTdz\3Lw'Ids $S:CE!(q---E>4aH{MSπkc Z~ldcە9JttaK,M~>$`KJ*s^,L]`쩫L)KӁ0M.B=cr7p"DI[PR0:KRV ZntBh9Z{0Ӵ+-Ksĝ/@ixE@eW1!i8'7pN9B#G * aeK@zYP9:(9 )E'C:s@.l9U8n :3|ΖB1.:7qRMy/l*:8hB$rZYvP]+"v=4.c-1 Yp[bo,^RYtKf%c2>Xk I8d-gQUN싓ȴyhz.'$>kΐo1]&WER@"|#B0Gg}$&)ʪZFmuVM,֌!mNṳH$YrC,{"Ę@g ѺjbzH HdT@UkgfW6 GUђ/^p@@6]@pQ3}Qf\Hkတ 1#N s:$N:Yk"q8v&wgpF񠌎`Yue Q|;}ZGod$GY_(e51X+2{"pd~͑qЂӣ0Χu $zo88լ 47SdsG\+#ҍ(a'u~r#Q#ԓSD}Z$zN<@]7HiuS1[# q, 2aFj;H N|c}Qf#jP;r@J U&Gt/m 9:= e&ґOD<NDoZp5^* ѭGZ\ȁ(xmV%+\z4Gjgr2P[uC HWV(YTݬWZmV7P#lnU@zZ#?͇=}0ߊ9-{kΝjL=Ga`?=΍hsn֑~|~aMesKnr]A^ 1JIBj@&~=WI ~,ԞvAnZS0+0Pt^7WW2{ui r܁IDATu@QHP>GI"{uSnӎy"鱨|͖XՀ2~#6i?zL#"23ӫjb\?AD4>XDo\ncFEˍ+ՁHP~`cvonmhRn!b?;Z2w[f"6۫[lWPIDث@S@.hRP!(ƟS|pЕC DŐ kj{uE|RXX6^[ǿ#{?N'iyٵ/}XlG2ɕ9QMX˴h,G_Pֈ!p<`K^^>n[T] @_-PyvʐM,їSC};-A0b=W`i+-)7sc#Y 5ժ 0yOڀߊ *I&7 V!r.8Ǯ&ڬ,`V1 |wǀ@/rU_؆tfośm[h#@eV ^ɗ4ؘh!16<:4 %&uj5Bs6koƀ%XXS@ Lm H! ֋AM[NnuOm [R|贡X*hDWGoIt = Ȧ`SGFjZ ^^]*H\T  UsDi)ɫ@Cz Aa*3[*~$r ! 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