- Ed.D., Education Leadership and Policy Studies; University of Vermont
- M.S., Nursing; University of Vermont
- B.A., Psychology; Trinity College
- Psychosynthesis Application to Individual & Couples Psychotherapy & Education Certification, Vermont Center for Psychosynthesis
- RN, Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing
- CSD 311 - Interdisicplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- CSD 312 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- GRNU 308 - Family Theory Perspectives for Advanced Practice Nursing
Awards and Achievements
- The Folta Deck Research Award, 2001
- The Vermont State Nurses Association Award for Clinical Excellence, 1996
- The Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professionals Traineeship, 1995-1996
- CSD 311 - Interdisicplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- CSD 312 - Interdisciplinary Seminar in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
- GRNU 308 - Family Theory Perspectives for Advanced Practice Nursing
Awards and Achievements
- The Folta Deck Research Award, 2001
- The Vermont State Nurses Association Award for Clinical Excellence, 1996
- The Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professionals Traineeship, 1995-1996
Research and/or Creative Works
- Supported 10% by CDCI to continue Somali Bantu Mothers research, January-June 2010
- University of Vermont Women's Health Center Research Grant, 2008-2009 (with Susan Ryan, PI): "Supporting Mothers Who Have Children with Disabilities" (co-investigator interviewing Somali mothers of children with disabilities; data analysis)
- Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professional Program (VT-ILEHP), federally funded through MCHB (Clinical Director, Interim Training Director, nursing faculty, 100% effort)
Beatson, J. E., & Prelock, P. A. (revised edition forthcoming). Learning to work with families to support children with ASD. In P. A. Prelock, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Issues in assessment and intervention. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed Publishers. (invited) (authors contributed equally)
Beatson, J. E. (in press). Supporting Somali Bantu mothers raising children with disabilities, Pediatric Nursing.
Beatson, J. E. (2010). Autism. In Betz, C.L. & Nehring, W. M. (Eds.), Nursing care for individuals with developmental disabilities: An integrated approach. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing. (invited)
Beatson, J. E. (2008). Walk a mile in their shoes: Implementing family-centered care for children and families affected by ASD. Topics in Language Disorders, 28, (4), 309-322. (invited, peer reviewed)
Beatson, J. E. (2006). Preparing speech-language pathologists as family-centered practitioners in assessment and program planning for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Seminars in Speech and Language, 27, 1-9. (invited, peer reviewed) ()
Beatson, J. E., & Prelock, P. A. (2006). Learning to work with families to support children with ASD. In P. A. Prelock, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Issues in assessment and intervention. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed Publishers. (invited) (authors contributed equally)
Avila, M., & Beatson, J (Nov. 2012). Racism, Health Disparities & Cultural Competence. Paper presentation at the International Science in Society conference, Berkeley, CA
Beatson, J., & Contompasis, S. (Dec. 2012). Efficacy of Medical Home LEND Training: Pilot Year. AUCD Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Avila, M., & Beatson, J (Dec. 2012). A Formative Evaluation of cultural Competence in a LEND Program. AUCD Annual Conference, Washington DC (peer reviewed)
Avila, M. Contompasis, S., & Beatson, J (Dec. 2012). Considering Culture in the Screening & Assessment of Young Children with Developmental Concerns. AUCD Annual Conference, Washington DC
Bird, C., Maltby, H. J., Beatson, J., & Tinkler, B. (2011). Culturally congruent 4th grade puberty education for Somali-Bantu students. Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium. Kappa Tau Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and Fletcher Allen Health Care; Burlington, VT.
AUCD Annual Meeting Poster Presentation and Roundtable: Pediatric Medical Home LEND Training (Beatson, Contompasis, Rinehart) Fall 2011 (national, peer reviewed)
AUCD Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Fall 2010: Supporting Refugee Mothers with Children with Disabilities (national, peer reviewed)
Eastern Nursing Research Society, Poster Presentation, Spring 2010: Supporting Refugee Mothers with Children with Disabilities (regional, peer reviewed)
Eastern Nursing Research Society, Poster Presentation, 2009: Walk a Mile in Their Shoes: Implementation of Family Centered Care for Children and Families affected by Autism (regional, peer reviewed)
AUCD Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, 2008. (Beatson & Contompasis) "Beyond Race and Ethnicity: Measuring Diversity in Vermont LEND", Washington DC (national, peer reviewed)
Associations and Affiliations
- Vermont Registered Nurse
- Vermont State Roster Psychotherapist
- Eastern Nursing Research Society
- Sigma Theta Tau: International Honor Society of Nursing & Kappa Tau: Vermont Chapter
- American Association on Health & Disability