Associate Professor of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research, Endowed Professor of Health Sciences

Dr. Paula Deming received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Medical Technology from ̽̽ and earned a doctoral degree in molecular pathology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is currently an associate professor, Endowed Professor of Health Sciences, and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research. Dr. Deming actively engages students in her research and teaches courses within the Medical Laboratory Science undergraduate and graduate programs.

Research and/or Creative Works

Research in my laboratory aims to understand how mammalian cells translate extrinsic and intrinsic signals to regulate cellular functions. The primary focus of my research is to elucidate mechanisms of protein kinase signaling and how defects or disruption of these systems contribute to cancer. Our work aims to delineate signaling mechanisms in healthy cells and their dysregulation during pathological states with the long-term goal of identifying biomarkers of disease and targets for therapeutic intervention. Current projects center on several interconnected topics in cancer biology, including cell signaling pathways that regulate growth, migration, cellular metabolism, death, and survival. Most recently, in collaboration with Dr. David Seward, our work has expanded to include functional clinical genomics. We employ in vitro and cell culture model systems along with cutting-edge molecular, cellular, biochemical, and genomic techniques to carry out our investigations.

One of the current areas of focus of my research seeks to understand how the gene STK11 functions as a tumor suppressor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Loss of function mutations in Serine/Threonine Kinase 11 (STK11) NSCLC are associated with aggressive tumor phenotypes characterized by increased risk of metastasis as well as lower overall and progression free survival. STK11 is a serine-threonine kinase that regulates numerous intracellular signaling networks impacting metabolism, proliferation, cell morphology and migration.We are specifically interested in understanding how loss of function of this tumor suppressor promotes metastasis. Current studies are focused on 1) understanding the metabolic rewiring that occurs due to loss of STK11 function and impacts on metastatic potential, and 2) kinase independent tumor suppressor functions of STK11.

Another long-standing interest in the lab has aimed at understanding the signaling mechanisms that link receptor- and cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases to the cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase A enzyme (PKA) and how these signaling networks coordinate cellular behaviors, with a particular focus on migration.


Donnelly, LL, Hogan, TC, Lenahan,SM, Nandagopal, G, Eaton, JG, Lebeau, MA, McCann,CL, Sarausky,HM, Hampel,KJ Armstrong, JD, Cameron,MP, Sidiropoulos,N, Deming, PB, Seward, DJ “Functional Assessment of Somatic STK11 Variants Identified in Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers”, Carcinogenesis. 2021 Dec 31;42(12):1428-1438. PMID: 34849607; PMCID: PMC8727739

Princess Rodriguez, Michael Mariani, Jamie Gay, Tyler Hogan, Eyal Amiel, Paula Deming, and Seth Frietze. "A guided‐inquiry investigation of genetic variants using Oxford Nanopore sequencing for an undergraduate molecular biology laboratory course" Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education 2021, Volume 49(6):588-597.

Blais LL, Montgomery TL, Amiel E, Deming PB, Krementsov DN. Probiotic and commensal gut microbial therapies in multiple sclerosis and its animal models: a comprehensive review. Gut Microbes. 2021 Jan-Dec;13(1):1943289. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2021.1943289. PMID: 34264791.

Schmoker, AM, Barritt, SA, Wier, ME, Mann, JE, Ballif, BA, Deming, PB “Fyn Regulates Binding Partners of cyclic-AMP Dependent Protein Kinase A”, Proteomes 2018 Sep 29;6(4). pii: E37. doi: 10.3390/proteomes6040037. PMID:30274258

Emerson, SE, Grebber, BK, McNellis, M, Orr, AR, Gonzalez, JT, Deming, PB, Ebert, AM, “Developmental Expression Patterns of Protein Kinase A Catalytic Subunits in Zebrafish”, Gene Expression Patterns, 2018 Nov 20;31:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gep.2018.11.001. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30468770.

Deming, Paula and Kurokawa, Manabu "Dismantling the Apoptotic Cell by Caspases". (March 2017) In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021564.pub2

Weir, ME, Mann, JE, Corwin, T, Fulton, ZW, Hao, JM, Maniscalco, JF, Kenney, MC, Roman Roque, KM, Chapdelaine, EF, Stelzl, U, Deming, PB, Ballif, BA, Hinkle, KL "Novel autophosphorylation sites of Src family kinases regulate kinase activity and SH2 domain-binding" (2016) FEBS Letters Apr;590(8):1042-52.

Deming, PB, Campbell, SL, Stone, JB, Rivard, RL, Mercier, AL, Howe, AK "Anchoring of Protein Kinase A by ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) proteins is required for proper netrin signaling through DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer)” January 9, 2015, doi:10.1074/jbc. M114.628644 jbc.M114.628644.

Kwolek, S and Deming, PB “Warfarin-induced hypersensitivity due to gluten sensitive enteropathy: A case study”, Clinical Laboratory Science (2012) 25(2):78-80.

Caldwell, GB, Howe, AK, Nickl, CK, Dostmann, WG, Ballif, BA, Deming, PB “Direct modulation of the protein kinase A catalytic subunit a by growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases”Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (2012) 113(1):39-48

Deming Paula, Kornbluth Sally. Dismantling the Apoptotic Cell. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley&Sons, Ltd: Chichester, September 2009.

Deming PB, Campbell SC, Baldor LC, Howe AK. PKA regulates PDGF-induced membrane ruffling and phosphatidylinositol dynamics. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. (2008)  Dec 12;283(50):35199-211 ()

Phalen T, Deming PB, Vikas A, Howe A, Jonsson T, Poole L, Neintz NH. Oxidation state governs structural transitions in peroxiredoxin II that correlate with cell cycle arrest and recovery. J. Cell Biol. (2007) 175:779-789. ()

Innes CL, Heinloth AN, Flores KG, Sieber SO, Deming PB, Bushel PR, Kaufmann WK, Paules RS. ATM Requirement in Gene Expression Responses to Ionizing Radiation in Human Lymphoblasts and Fibroblasts. Molecular Cancer Research. 2006; 4(3):197-207. ()

Deming PB, Rathmell JC. Mitochondria, cell death and B cell tolerance. Current Directions in Autoimmunity. 2006; 9:95-119. ()

Deming PB, Schafer ZT, Tashker JS, Potts MB, Deshmukh M, Kornbluth S. Bcr-Abl-mediated Protection from Apoposis Downstream of Mitochondrial Cytochrome C Release. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2004; 24(23): 10289-10299. ()

Kaufmann WK, Campbell CB, Simpson DA, Deming PB, Filatov L., Galloway DA, Zhao XJ, Creighton AM, and Downes CS. Degradation of ATM-independent decatenation checkpoint function in human cells is secondary to inactivation of p53 and correlated with chro mosomal destabilization. Cell Cycle, 1. 2002; 210-219. (

Deming PB, Flores KG, Downes CS, Paules RS, and Kaufmann WK. ATR enforces the topoisomerase II-dependent G2 checkpoint through inhibition of Plk1 kinase. J.Biol.Chem.. 2002; 277, 36832-36838. ()

Deming PB, Cistulli CA, Zhao H, Graves PR, Piwnica-Worms H, Paules RS, Downes CS, and Kaufmann WK. The human decatenation checkpoint. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 2001; 98, 12044-12049.

Paula Deming

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Cell signaling, growth control pathways, molecular pathology, cancer biology


  • Postdoctoral Training; Duke University Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Mentor: Dr. Sally Kornbluth
  • Postdoctoral Training; University of Vermont Department of Pharmacology, Mentor: Dr. Alan Howe
  • Ph.D.; University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Mentor: Dr. William Kaufman
  • M.S., Medical Technology; University of Vermont
  • B.S., Medical Technology; University of Vermont


  • 802-656-2506
Office Location:

302B Rowell Building