Associate Professor Emeritus

“This salutation has been pivotal in my efforts to teach and expand a student’s or resident’s desire to learn, not only plastic surgery basics, but whatever it is that they encounter in their medical school or residency experience.” — David W. Leitner

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” Stephen Hawking
“It is only when you give of yourself that you truly give.” —Kahlil Gibran
“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” artin Luther King, Jr.


B.A., 1969, Hartwick College; M.S., 1971, Wagner College; Ph.D., 1976, Temple University.

̽̽ Career:

Associate Professor, 2002-2017; Chair, 2002-2013, Department of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Secondary Appointment, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, 2002-2017. Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Technologies, 1990-2002.

Key Scholarly Interests:

My primary research and scholarship interests center on the roles of laboratories and laboratory systems in support of public health and global health. Most specifically I have focused on laboratory-based surveillance of infectious diseases and the policies and processes that are needed to establish, assess and assure quality laboratory systems in response to regional, national, and global health needs.

Publication Highlights:

Wilcke, B W, S Y Daher, K J Breckenridge. Supporting public health laboratory systems research. Public Health Reports 128 Supplement 2: 10-13, 2013.

Ridderhof, J and B W Wilcke. Public health laboratory systems: At the crossroads. Public Health Reports 128 Supplement 2: 1-6, 2013.

Blumen, SR, S Naud, MV Palumbo, B McIntosh, BW Wilcke. Measuring the application of quality system essentials in the Vermont clinical laboratory system. Laboratory Medicine 42: 151-157, 2011.

Blumen, SR, S Naud, MV Palumbo, B McIntosh, BW Wilcke. Knowledge and perceptions of quality systems among Vermont laboratorians. Public Health Reports 125 Supplement 2:73-82, 2010.

Wilcke, BW, SL Inhorn, JR Astles, B Su, A Wright, VA White. Laboratory services in support of public health: A status report. Public Health Reports 125 Supplement 2:40-46, 2010.

Inhorn, SL, JR Astles, BW Wilcke, VA White. The state public health laboratory system. Public Health Reports 125 Supplement 2:4-17, 2010.

Wilcke, BW. Finding the knowledge in information. Clinical laboratory Science 21: 265-266, 2008.

Wilcke, BW. Workforce challenges in our public health laboratory system. Laboratory Medicine 38: 77-80, 2006.

Inhorn, S L, B Wilcke, F Downes, O Adjanor, R Cada, J Ford. A comprehensive laboratory services survey of state public health laboratories. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 12: 514-521, 2006.

Witt-Kushner, J, J.R. Astles, J.C. Ridderhof, R.A. Martin, B Wilcke, F.P.Downes, S.L.Inhorn, H.P.Kelley, P.B. Kimsey, D.E. Mills, M Salfinger, P.A Shult, M.P.Verma, S.J.Becker, D.J Drabkowski. Core functions and capabilities of state public health laboratories: A report of the Association of Public Health Laboratories. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 51(RR14):1-8, 2002

Wilcke, B.W., Jr. The state of public health laboratories. Military Medicine, 165, Suppl.2: 8-11, 2000.

Teaching/Research/Memberships Highlights:

Developed courses in Global Health and One Health at the undergraduate level. Mentored College of Medicine Public Health projects, 2008-2015. Sponsored or co-sponsored three Burack Lecturers: Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, 2016; Dr. Kelley Brownell, 2011; Dr. Victor Seidel, 2004. US Department of Health and Human Services (CDC) Clinical Laboratory Improvements Advisory Committee (CLIAC), Chair, 2012 – 2016. Co-convener of Honors College Summer Faculty Symposium, “Global Health”, 2015. Publications Board, American Public Health Association (Chair), 2005-2015. Public Health Reports, Supplement on Laboratory Systems, Co-Editor, 2012-2013. Co-sponsored Marsh Visiting Professor, Dr. Charles Carpenter, 2007-2012. Frymoyer Scholar, College of Medicine, University of Vermont, 2006-2008. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Evaluation Committee, Institute of Medicine, 2005-2007. American Society for Microbiology, Public Health Division, Chair, 2003-2004. Association of Public Health Laboratories, President 1995-1996.

Other Professional Experience:

Member, Scientific Advisory Board, District of Columbia Forensic and Health Sciences Laboratory, 2016-2017. Accreditation Committee, Public Health Accreditation Board, 2011-2017. Senior Advisory Committee on Preparedness, Vermont Department of Health, 2009-2015. Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Science, California State University, San Bernardino, 1987-1988. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, 1982-1983.

Prior to joining the faculty of ̽̽, I had twenty-five years of public health experience at the state and local level in California, Michigan and Vermont. Until 2002, I was the Director of Health Surveillance for the Vermont Department of Health, overseeing the areas of epidemiology, laboratory services and health statistics. Previously, I had served as the State Public Health Laboratory Director for the State of Vermont and prior to that served as the Laboratory Director for the San Bernardino County (CA) Department of Health from 1983 to 1988. Following a postdoctoral fellowship with the California Department of Health Services in Berkeley, California (1975-1977), I began my public health laboratory career at the Michigan Department of Health overseeing units within the Divisions of Microbiology and Virology.

Awards and Honors:

American Public Health Association, Executive Director’s Citation, 2015. American Society for Public Administration (Vermont Chapter), VT ASPA Public Service Award, 1993. California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors, Distinguished Career Service Award, 1988.

Community Service:

Vermont Public Health Association, Board of Directors (Past President, Affiliate Representative to the Governing Board), 2003-2017.

Burton W. Wilcke, Jr., Ph.D., SM (ASCP)


  • Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology; Temple University School of Medicine
  • M.S., Bacteriology and Public Health; Wagner College
  • B.A., Biology; Hartwick College



Courses Taught

  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Health & Human Behavior
  • One Health
  • Principles of Immunology
  • Principles of Microbiology