
Chris is an applied mathematician interested in modeling a variety of physical, biological, and social phenomenon. He has applied principles of chaos theory to improve weather forecasts and developed a real-time remote sensor of global happiness using messages from Twitter. Danforth co-runs theComputational Story Labwith Peter Dodds.


: a visual comparison of phrase popularity in 150 billion tweets

:a population scale measure of daily happiness

Research & Press

“Inside the lab that’s quantifying happiness”
Profile of our research group in

“Has Twitter just had its saddest fortnight ever?”
Story on Hedonometer in

“Instagram photos reveal predictive markers of depression”
in EPJ Data Science, by New York Times

“The emotional arcs of stories are dominated by six basic shapes”
in EPJ Data Science, by The Atlantic

“Human language reveals a universal positivity bias”
in PNAS, by New York Times

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Computational Social Science, Complex Systems, Chaos


  • Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park
  • B.S. in Mathematics & Physics, Bates College


  • (802) 656-3032
Office Location:

Innovation Hall E422


Courses Taught

  • MATH 122 - Linear Algebra
  • MATH 237 - Numerical Analysis
  • MATH 266 - Chaos, Fractals & Dynamical Systems
  • MATH 330 - Graduate Ordinary Differential Equations
  • MATH 382 - Graduate Seminar