Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director


  1. Hernandez, E.M. “Minimal Arias intensity modification of ground motions to achieve extreme structural response” Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics []
  2. Filizadeh, R., Hernandez, E.M., Rosowsky, D. (2024) “Risk-based framework for post-earthquake monitoring and evaluation of reinforced concrete bridge subject to multiple hazards” Reliability Engineering and System Safety []
  3. Hernandez, E.M. and Erazo, K (2023) “Lower bound of structural damage to achieve practical identifiability of nonlinear models in seismic structural health monitoring”JournalEarthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics[]
  4. Sullivan, J.L., Novak, D.,Hernandez, E.M., Van Den Berg, N. (2023) “A new quality measure for acceptance and payment with a QC/QA performance specification using Bayesian updating” International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management []
  5. Filizadeh, R., Hernandez, E.M., Rosowsky, D. (2023) “Time-Dependent Damage Evolution of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers: Implications for Multihazard Analysis” ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A []
  6. Smith, C.B. and Hernandez, E.M. (2022) “Identifying local reductions to mass and stiffness with incomplete modal information. Sparsity and non-negative constraints” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics []
  7. Lens, J., Dewoolkar, M., Hernandez, E.M. (2021) “System-wide seismic vulnerability of aging multiple-span multiple-girder bridges in low-to-moderate seismic hazard regions” Earthquake Spectra []
  8. Roohi, M., Hernandez, E.M., and Rosowsky, D. (2021) “Reconstructing element-by-element hysteretic dissipated energy in instrumented buildings: application to the Van Nuys hotel testbed” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics []
  9. LeBlanc, B., Hernandez, E.M., McGinnis, R., and Gurchiek, R.D. (2021) “Continuous estimation of ground reaction force during long-distance running within a fatigue monitoring framework: A Kalman filter-based model-data fusion approach” Journal of Biomechanics []
  10. Roohi, M., and Hernandez, E.M. (2020) “Post-earthquake performance-based decision making for instrumented buildings” Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring []
  11. For a complete list visit
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director Eric Hernandez

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Structural Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Inverse Problems


  • Ph.D., Northeastern University


  • 802-656-3334
Office Location:

371 Votey

Office Hours:

T, TH 11:00am-noon


Courses Taught

CE 170 - Structural Analysis
CE 271 - Advanced Structural Analysis
CE 272 - Structural Dynamics
CE 370 - Reliability of Engineering Systems
CE 395 - Earthquake Engineering