Psychology classroom

Psychological science is a STEM discipline and a "hub science”—research in the discipline informs research in nearly all other disciplines. In exploring the science of the mind, we learn to interpret the world around us, while gaining insight into our own “inner lives."

Students in our major take foundational and advanced courses in a wide range of subjects including clinical, developmental, and social psychology and behavioral neuroscience. Students often combine a major in psychological science with minors in social work, human development, neuroscience and pharmacology. We’ll prepare you in both theory and practice for graduate study and work in clinical psychology, human and social services, and psychological research. In fact, the skills you develop in the program are in high demand in any profession. 

A program with deep roots

The first psychology course at ̽̽ was offered in 1834. Dewey Hall, the academic home of psychological science at ̽̽ today, was named in honor of famed Vermont philosopher John Dewey who graduated from ̽̽ in 1879. Read more about ̽̽'s storied history in psychology (PDF), which covers nearly two centuries of evolution, expansion and innovation. 

  • Marissa Dennis

    Discover your passion at ̽̽

    After taking an introductory psychology course, Marissa Dennis '17 was hooked by the subject matter. By the end of her freshman year she was already working as an undergraduate research assistant in professor Alice Schermerhorn’s lab, studying the impacts of inter-parental conflict on child stress and outcomes. "It was an amazing introduction to research--I was heavily involved in data collection and worked closely with both parents and children." Two years later, she began an independent research project with professor Betsy Hoza, studying how a physical activity intervention administered in schools affects outcomes of both typically developing children and children at-risk for ADHD. After graduation in 2017, Dr. Hoza hired her as a full-time research assistant in her lab. Starting in Fall of 2018, Marissa was accepted as a graduate student in the department, continuing to work with Dr. Hoza.