Wolfgang and Barbara Mieder Green and Gold Professor of Italian

Just as I teach courses on a wide range of topics, including European Fairy Tales, Italian Travel Literature, and Food Culture, I have research interests that also span a variety of times and subjects. My most recent book just came out with University of Toronto Press and is titled, Golden Fruit: A Cultural History of Oranges in Italy. My past work includes books on hysteria and madness in turn-of-the-century Europe (Saint Hysteria, Cornell UP 1996), pregnancy and childbirth in literature and theory (Maternal Impressions, Cornell UP, 2002), a late nineteenth-century Tuscan saint (The Voices of Gemma Galgani, Chicago UP, 2003, co-authored with Rudolph Bell), women mystics and food (The Women in God's Kitchen, Continuum, 2005), the Roman wolf (She-Wolf: The Story of a Roman Icon, Cambridge UP 2010), as well as an Italian language book (Italian Made Simple, Broadway Books, 2003), an edition of a medieval mystic's autobiography (Angela of Foligno's Memorial, Boydell and Brewer, 1999), and an edited volume on Rome since 1870 (Capital City, Annali d'Italianistica, 2010). I am currently working on a long-term project on European fairy tales.
Languages spoken:
Italian: native knowledge
English: near-native knowledge
French: excellent reading knowledge, rusty speaking knowledge
Latin: reading knowledge
Spanish: reading knowledge



Italian Fairy Tales from the Turn of the Century (temporary title). Under contract with Princeton University Press.

Golden Fruit: A Cultural History of Oranges in Italy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.

She-Wolf: The Story of a Roman Icon.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

The Women in God’s Kitchen: Cooking, Eating, and Spiritual Writing. New York: Continuum, 2005. (Paperback edition: 2007; Polish translation: 2008; Portuguese translation: 2009.)

Italian Made Simple. New York: Broadway Books, 2003.

The Voices of Gemma Galgani: The Life and Afterlife of a Modern Saint. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Co-authored with Rudolph Bell.

Maternal Impressions: Pregnancy and Childbirth in Literature and Theory. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2002.

Angela of Foligno’s Memorial. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Interpretive Essay. Translated by John Cirignano. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1999.

Saint Hysteria: Neurosis, Mysticism, and Gender in European Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996.


Capital City: Rome since 1870.Annali d’Italianistica28 (2010).


“A Fairy tale Madonna: Grazia Deledda’s ‘Our Lady of Good Counsel,” in Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 19.1 (2019): 131-145.

“Angela of Foligno, Complete Works. Note sulla traduzione in lingua inglese di Paul Lachance.” Il Libro di Angela da Foligno e le sue traduzioni. Ed. Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli and Massimo Vedova. Spoleto: Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 2019. 113-120.

“Repetition in the Teaching of Fairy Tales: Considerations from the Classroom.” Teaching Fairy Tales. Ed. Nancy L. Canepa. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2019. 263-274.

“Craving Fruits and Vegetables: Botanical Images of Pregnancy in Giovan Battista Basile’s The Tale of Tales.” Erfüllte Körper: Inszenierungen von Schwangershaft. Ed. Stephanie Heimgartner and Simone Sauer-Kretschmer. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2017. 15-28.

“Locked up and Locked in: Of Roman Imprisonments and Liberations.” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 17.2 (2017): 246-251.

“Violence in Fairy Tales: Basile’s Lo cunto de li cunti and Garrone’s Il racconto dei racconti.” Annali d’Italianistica 35 (2017): 177-192.

“A Roman Triptych of Holy Women.” Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History 22.1 (2016): 73-88.

How to Candy Oranges and Reprimand the Pope: Catherine of Siena’s Letter 346 to Urban VI.” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 16.1 (2016): 41-57.

“The Fruit of Love in Giambattista Basile’s ‘The Three Citrons.’”Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies29.2 (2015): 228-244.

“Of Blood Oranges and Golden Fruit: A Sacred Context for the ‘Facts of Rosarno.’”California Italian Studies.California Italian Studies5.1 (2014). http://escholarship.org/uc/item/7m2552wm.

“How Not to Play with Dolls: Contessa Lara’s ‘Una bambola’ and Luigi Pirandello’s ‘Servitù.’”Forum Italicum48.1 (2014): 110-125.

“On Women, Holiness, and Middle Age.”Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History19.2 (2013): 35-40.

“Cristina Campo’s Visions and Revisions: The Essay ‘Una rosa’ between 1962 and 1971.”Quaderni d’Italianistica33.2 (2012): 151-170.

“Tough Magical Nuts to Crack: Cristina Campo’s Reflections on Fairy Tales.”Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies26.2 (2012): 240-258.

“Treasure to Trash, Trash to Treasure: On Dolls and Waste in Italian Children’s Literature.”Children’s Literature Association Quarterly37.3 (2012): 250-265.

“The Beauty of the Beast: Fairy Tales as Mystical Texts in Simone Weil and Cristina Campo.”Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality11.2 (2011): 157-75.

“Capital City: Rome 1870-2010.”Annali d’Italianistica28 (2010): 13-29.

“Angela of Foligno.”Medieval Holy Women in the Christian Tradition. Ed. Alastair Minnis and Rosalynn Voaden. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2010. 581-600.

“‘The Loving Re-Education of a Soul’: Learning from Fairy Tales through Grazia Deledda and Cristina Campo.”Quaderni d’Italianistica29.2 (2008): 93-110.

“Of Golden Feathers and Light Reading: Guido Gozzano’s ‘Piumadoro e Piombofino.’”Quaderni d’Italianistica29.1 (2008): 105-24.

“The Short-Legged Fairy: Reading and Teaching Pinocchio as a Feminist.”Approaches to Teaching Collodi’sPinocchioand Its Adaptations. Ed. Michael Sherberg. New York: MLA Publications, 2007. 80-86.

“And My Soul Grew Through Contact with Holy Things: Thérèse of Lisieux in Rome.”Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History13.2 (2007): 75-93.

“Mystical and Literary Texts: Meeting the Other, and Each Other, at the Border of Language.”Annali d’Italianistica25 (2007): 105-22.

“Finding Gemma Galgani in Lucca: A Saint in Her Place.”Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History12.1 (2006): 24-45.

“Cucina, donne e santità: Dalla pratica alla scrittura.”Il cibo e le donne nella cultura e nella storia. Prospettive interdisciplinari.Ed. Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli and Lucia Re. Bologna: CLUEB, 2006. 67-81.

“Braiding Bridges with Mysticism, Literature, Theory. The Case of Margaret Mazzantini’sNon ti muovere.”Quaderni d’ItalianisticaXXIII.2 (2002): 87-99.

“Washing Lettuce with Holy Water: Food and Spirituality in Angela of Foligno’sMemorial.”Rivista di studi italianiXX.1 (2002): 116-28.

“Of Stockfish and Stew: Feasting and Fasting in theBookof Margery Kempe.”Food and Foodways10.4 (2002): 171-82.

“‘That in Giving Me Life, You Still Remain Alive’: Fetal Beginnings and Maternal Endings at Two Centuries’ Ends.”Annali d’Italianistica18 (2000): 255-76.

“Pregnant Bodies of Knowledge: Italian Narratives of Fetal Movement (1880’s-1920’s).”Rivista di studi italiani17.1 (1999): 222-41.

“What Should a Woman Smell Like? Body and Language in Capuana’sProfumo.”American Journal of Italian Studies21.58 (1998): 112-27.

“‘Di mamma ce n’è una sola’: Fascism, Demography, and the Mother’s Voice in Ada Negri’s ‘Niobe.’”Italian Culture15 (1997): 115-30.

“Looking Fat: Ironizing Fetishism in Marchesa Colombi’sUn matrimonio in provincia.”Quaderni d’ItalianisticaXVIII.2 (1997): 273-82.

“Parturition, Parting, and Paradox in Turn-of-the-Century Italian Literature (D’Annunzio, Aleramo, Neera).”Forum Italicum31.2 (1997): 343-66.

“‘L’abito non fa la monaca’: Clothing and Gender in Giovanni Verga’sStoria di una capinera.”Italian Quarterly34.133-134 (1997): 33-46.

“Impressive Cravings, Impressionable Bodies: Pregnancy and Desire from Cesare Lombroso to Ada Negri.”Annali d’Italianistica15 (1997): 137-57.

“Le parole del Verbo: Twentieth-Century Italian Literature and Christianity.”Annali d’Italianistica15 (1997): 341-48.

“Difference, Repetition, and the Mother-Daughter Bond in Ada Negri.”Rivista di studi italiani15.1 (1997): 55-74.

“Gazing at the Veil, Unveiling the Fetish: The Case of Camillo Boito’s Short Stories.”Italian Quarterly33.129-130 (1996): 29-43.

“On the (Un)Representability of Woman’s Pleasure: Angela of Foligno and Jacques Lacan.” InGender and Text in the Later Middle Ages. Ed. Jane Chance. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996. 239-62.

“Rappresentazione della violenza / Violenza della rappresentazione: ‘La Leda senza cigno’ e ‘La Violante dalla bella voce,’ di G. D’Annunzio.”Forum Italicum29.2 (1995): 266-85.

“Visions of the Mystic / Mystical Visions: Interpretations and Self-Interpretations of Gemma Galgani.”Annali d’Italianistica13 (1995): 371-86.

“Italian Women Mystics: A Bibliographical Essay.”Annali d’Italianistica13 (1995): 401-35.

“Is Beauty Only Skin Deep? Constructing the Female Corpse inScapigliatura.”Italian Culture12 (1994): 175-87.

“Writing the Rite: Text and Sacrifice in Drieu La Rochelle.”French Forum18.2 (1993): 213-30.

“(Re)Constructing the Incipit: The Sublimation of Narrative Beginnings in Calvino and Freud.”Comparative Literature Studies30.1 (1993): 53-68.

“Mysticism, Abjection, Transgression: Angela of Foligno and the Twentieth Century.”Mystics Quarterly17.2 (1991): 61-70.


“Hildegard of Bingen.”Oxford Companion to Cheese. Forthcoming in Fall 2016.

“Angela of Foligno.” “Cristina Campo.”Literary Encyclopedia. January 2015.

“Angela of Foligno.”Radical Grace25.1 (2012): 16-21.

“Thérèse de Lisieux.”Encyclopedia of Women in World History. Ed. Bonnie G. Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. 229.

“Religious Aspects of Fasting and Food.”Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Margaret Schaus. New York: Routledge, 2006. 280-81.

“Hysteria.” “Medicine.” “Mysticism.”The Feminist Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. Ed. Rinaldina Russell. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. 157-58; 201-202; 216-18.


Edward Curtis,I grandi guerrieri. Rome: Contrasto, 2004. (Translated from English into Italian.)

Awards and Recognition

2018: AAIS Book Prize for Golden Fruit: A Cultural History of Oranges in Italy (Category: Renaissance, 18th, and 19th centuries)
2012-2013: University Scholar Award for Sustained Excellence in Research & Scholarly Activities (̽̽)
2010: Faculty Research Grant, Children’s Literature Association
2008: Publication Subvention for Capital City: Rome since 1870, Humanities Center (̽̽)
2004: Dean’s Lecture Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Teaching (̽̽)
2003, 2001: Dean’s Fund for Faculty Development (̽̽)
2002, 1999: Instructional Incentives Grant (̽̽)
2001: Center for Teaching and Learning Grant (̽̽)
1999, 1997: Summer Stipend, U.C.R.S. (̽̽)
1990-1991: Mellon Dissertation Fellowship (Woodrow Wilson Foundation)
1987-1990: Yale University Fellowship (Yale University)
1986-1988: Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities (Woodrow Wilson Foundation)
1985: Burckhardt Prize for Best Undergraduate Essay (UCSD)
1984-1985: John Muir College Caledonian Society (UCSD)

Associations and Affiliations

Modern Language Association

Cristina Mazzoni by lake champlain wearing a medal

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

European Fairy Tales, Literature and Spirituality, Food Culture


  • Ph.D. Comparative Literature, Yale University


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  • (802) 656-2532
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Courses Taught

  • ITAL 1100: Elementary I
  • ITAL 2100: Intermediate I
  • ITAL 2200: Intermediate II
  • ITAL 3110: Reading and Writing Workshop
  • ITAL 3550: Issues in Italian Culture
  • ITAL 3500: Italian Literature and Film
  • ITAL 3580: Italian Food Culture
  • ITAL 3565: Italian Fairy Tales
  • ITAL 3555: Modern Italian Fictions
  • ITAL 3560: Cultures of Women in Italy
  • ITAL 2990: Intermediate Special Topics: Capital City Rome, 1870-2009
  • ITAL 2990: Intermediate Special Topics: Children's Literature
  • ITAL 2990: Intermediate Special Topics: Italian Fairy Tales
  • ITAL 2990: Intermediate Special Topics: Italian Food Culture
  • ITAL 4990: Advanced Special Topics: Modern Rome
  • WLIT 2450: Italian Literature in Translation: Women and Rome in Literature and Film