
Student Opportunities - Beryl | Department of English | ̽̽(title)

About Beryl

Picture of Beryl, ̽̽ Student

Beryl was a participant in the Buckham Overseas Study Program during 2011-2012. In her free time she traveled to Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, France, and all over England with friends from ̽̽ and students from all over the world she met at the University of Kent at Canterbury.

Beryl graduated summa cum laude from the ̽̽ Honors College. Her thesis on the Brontës, “Independence through Education: The Governess in Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey and Her Relation to Women's Identity in Nineteenth-Century England,” was inspired by a course she took at the University of Kent. She is currently working as an editorial assistant at Simon & Schuster.

The following is taken from a testimonial Beryl wrote for the University of Kent website:

‘I’m so happy I had the chance to spend my junior year abroad at Kent Uni! Canterbury is a truly beautiful city and from the first week I arrived I knew it was the right place for me.

Even though it is a small city, it bustles with . A nice bonus is that it’s close enough to London for easy day trips. It was the perfect size for me, because it wasn't too big and I could explore everything easily.… The way English classes are structured is very different than in the US. There is much more outside reading and much less in-class time. Luckily, my teachers were stellar and really made the most of each two-hour chunk. Some were English, two were Australian, and one was even American, so I had the chance to look at the world through many different viewpoints and backgrounds….

Even more than the academics, what most impressed me about Kent Uni was the people I met there. … I made friends at Kent that I know I'll keep forever; some are even planning to visit me in Vermont next year!... I can't imagine what my college experience would be like without Kent Uni; studying abroad in Canterbury for my junior year was the best decision I could have made.'