
Ellen Martinsen



Ellen has been working with wildlife since childhood, having first started as a volunteer at a wildlife center. Her research interests center on host-parasite ecology and evolution, wildlife disease, avian biology, and conservation. Through broad collaboration and the integration of field, microscopy, and genetic methods, she has pursued the study of pathogen diversity, distribution, transmission, and host switching in wildlife and vector (mosquito and tick) hosts worldwide. Currently, her work focuses on pathogen spillover into naive host taxa including collection animals at zoological parks, host species of conservation concern, non-native wildlife species (including the House Sparrow in Ellen’s hand in picture), and non-adapted wildlife species at northern latitudes. When not chasing down new pathogens, Ellen can be found playing with her family or pack of rescue dogs.


Ellen has been working with wildlife since childhood, having first started as a volunteer at a wildlife center. Her research interests center on host-parasite ecology and evolution, wildlife disease, avian biology, and conservation. Through broad collaboration and the integration of field, microscopy, and genetic methods, she has pursued the study of pathogen diversity, distribution, transmission, and host switching in wildlife and vector (mosquito and tick) hosts worldwide. Currently, her work focuses on pathogen spillover into naive host taxa including collection animals at zoological parks, host species of conservation concern, non-native wildlife species (including the House Sparrow in Ellen’s hand in picture), and non-adapted wildlife species at northern latitudes. When not chasing down new pathogens, Ellen can be found playing with her family or pack of rescue dogs.