
Jane Molofsky


Office Location:

341 Jeffords Hall

  • 802-656-0430

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Evolution of invasiveness, population dynamics, coexistence in plant communities


  • Ph.D. 1993, Duke University


  • Molofsky, J, S.R. Keller, S. Lavergne, M.A. Kaproth and M.B. Eppinga. 2014. Human-aided admixture may fuel ecosystem transformation during biological invasions: theoretical and experimental evidence. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.966. PDF
  • Geartner, M. O. Biggs, M. te Beest, C. Hui, J. Molofsky, and D. R. Richardson. 2014. Invasive plants as drivers of regime shifts: identifying high-priority invaders that alter feedback relationships, Diversity and Distributions. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12182 PDF
  • Molofsky, J. C. Danforth and E. E. Crone. 2014. Nutrient enrichment alters dynamics in experimental plant populations. Population Ecology 56:97-107. PDF
  • Eppinga, M. B. and J. Molofsky. 2013. Eco-evolutionary litter feedback as a driver of exotic plant invasion. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics PDF
  • Kaproth, M. A., M. B. Eppinga and J. Molofsky. 2013. Leaf litter variation influences invasion dynamics in the invasive wetland grass Phalaris arundinacea. Biological Invasions. DOI: 0.1007/s10530-013-0411-5. PDF
  • Calsbeek, B. S. Lavergne, M. Patel and J. Molofsky. 2011. Comparing the genetic architecture and potential response to selection of invasive and native populations of reed canarygrass. Evolutionary Applications 4:726-735. PDF
  • Eppinga M, M. A. Kaproth, A. R. Collins and J. Molofsky. 2011. Litter feedbacks, evolutionary change and exotic plant invasion. Journal of Ecology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01781.x PDF
  • Collins, A. R., E. M. Hart and J. Molofsky. 2010. Differential response to frequency-dependent interactions: an experimental test using genotypes of an invasive grass. Oecologia 164:959-969. PDF
  • Lavergne, S., N. J. Muenke and J. Molofsky. 2010. Genome size reduction can trigger rapid phenotypic evolution in invasive plants. Annals of Botany 105:109-116. PDF
  • Broderson, C., S. Lavergne, and J. Molofsky. 2008. Genetic variation in photosynthetic characteristics among invasive and native populations of reed canarygrass. Biological Invasions. DOI. PDF
  • Lavergne, S. and J. Molofsky. 2007. Increased genetic variation and evolutionary potential drive the success of an invasive grass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 3883-3888. PDF
    • See the commentary: Novak, S. J. 2007. The role of evolution in the invasion process. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 3671-3672. PDF
    • Cited by Faculty of 1000.
    • Featured in NRI Research Highlights. PDF
  • Eppstein, M. J. and J. Molofsky. 2007. Invasiveness in plant communities with feedbacks. Ecology Letters 10: 253-263. PDF
  • Molofsky, J. and J. B. Ferdy. 2005. Extinction dynamics in experimental metapopulations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102: 3726-3731. PDF
    • Cited by Faculty of 1000.
  • Lavergne, S. and J. Molofsky. 2004. Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) as a biological model in the sudy of plant invasions. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 23: 415-429. PDF
  • Molofsky, J. and J. D. Bever. 2004. A new kind of ecology? Bioscience. 54: 440-446. PDF
  • Molofsky, J. and J. D. Bever. 2002. A novel theory to explain species diversity in landscapes: positive frequency dependence and habitat suitability. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 269: 2389-2393. PDF
  • Molofsky, J., J. Bever, and J. Antonovics. 2001. Coexistence under positive frequency dependence. Proceedings of Royal Society of London B 268: 273-277. PDF
  • Molofsky, J., S. L. Morrison, and C. J. Goodnight. 1999. Genetic and environmental controls on the establishment of the invasive grass, Phalaris arundincaea. Biological Invasions 1:1-8.

Courses Taught

Plant Ecology (PBIO 160); Global Change Biology (PBIO 195/HCOL 196); Plant Population Biology (PBIO 260); Invasion Ecology (PBIO 295); Grant Writing for Ecologists (PBIO 295); Spatial Processes in Ecology and Evolution (PBIO 296)