Our alumni work around the country and the world in a wide variety of jobs, from conservation science to education to urban planning. Linking them all is a deep commitment to helping the Earth's inhabitants — humans and other animals, plants, fungi, microbes — live together sustainably and in mutually beneficial ways. Click through career profiles with the gray arrow below to get an idea of where the Field Naturalist Program propels its graduates.

  • Julia hiking over a mountain pass with skis on her back

    Julia Runcie '17

    As an Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Julia leads an effort to develop a Conservation Strategy for the Sierra Nevada red fox. Unlike its familiar eastern cousin, this elusive carnivore lives in remote mountain wildernesses, and only two small and isolated populations remain in the state. Julia splits her time between debating management recommendations with an advisory team of 25 scientists and skiing over alpine passes to deploy cameras for occupancy surveys. She is ever hopeful for a glimpse of that characteristic white-tipped tail.

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