Our alumni work around the country and the world in a wide variety of jobs, from conservation science to education to urban planning. Linking them all is a deep commitment to helping the Earth's inhabitants — humans and other animals, plants, fungi, microbes — live together sustainably and in mutually beneficial ways. Click through career profiles with the gray arrow below to get an idea of where the Field Naturalist Program propels its graduates.

  • Shelby wearing orange vest in woods with her dog

    Shelby Perry '16

    As the Wildlands Ecologist at , Shelby is in charge of the long-term care of nearly 80,000 acres of wilderness across six states. She also selects and justifies new projects. On any given day, she might be in the field collecting data for an ecological report on a property NEWT is working to conserve in southern New Hampshire, monitoring a wilderness preserve in the mountains of Maine, plotting ways to close ecologically sensitive areas to public access in an Adirondack preserve, or writing monitoring reports at her desk in central Vermont. CLICK NEXT WITH ARROW BELOW RIGHT

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