Assistant Professor

Dr. Etter is seeking applications for a two-year Post Doc to work in her lab on her USDA-funded study investigating the role of poultry in zoonotic pathogen prevalance and spread on animal agritourism operations. Further details of the position and how to apply are found here. Please direct questions to Dr. Etter.


I study bacterial food safety with an emphasis on understanding the intrinsic bacterial factors which contribute to foodborne outbreaks of salmonellosis and listeriosis.

Current projects include:

  • Determining the contribution of sanitizer tolerance and biofilm formation capability to colonization Listeria monocytogenes colonization of Vermont dairies
  • Understanding whether isolate stress tolerance is a key contributing factor to foodborne outbreaks of S. enterica
  • Understanding how common Salmonella enterica is in backyard laying hens and hatchling chicks and what owners know about S. enterica, good husbandry practices, and good egg handling and sanitation practices

I am also interested in how scientists can better communicate food safety risks to consumers. This issue is one of the key focuses of my class NFS 195C: Deadly Foods: Outbreak Investigations, which provides an entry-level examination of foodborne pathogens, epidemiology of foodborne outbreaks, and in-depth discussion of multiple foodborne outbreaks in the U.S.

Of course, food safety is not just an American problem. My fall course, NFS 254 Global Food Safety, explores how differing food safety legislation, cultural factors, and distribution of foodborne pathogens affect food safety globally and how the international food system affects the local food systems.

Interested in doing undergraduate research in the Etter Lab? Fill out the Undergrad Researcher Application here:

Research and/or Creative Works

Andrea has been awarded a 2-year USDA NIFA Seed grant ($200,000) to research adaptations of outbreak strains of Salmonella, the consequences for human health, and possible new methods to foil them. Specifically, she will investigate whether outbreak-associated strains of Salmonella are uniquely adapted to survive food processing and sanitation, leading to a greater probability of illness in consumers. She will be working with incoming Food Systems PhD student Eurydice Aboagye and various undergraduate researchers on this research from summer 2020-2022.

Andrea's about her Backyard Chickens and Salmonella.


  • Larsen, K.M.,* DeCicco, M.,* Hood, Katherine, Etter, A. J. 2022. . *These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Anast, J., Etter, A.J., Schmitz-Esser, S. 2022.
  • Assisi C, Forauer E, Oliver HF, Etter AJ. 2020. .
  • Forauer E, Wu ST, Etter AJ. 2020.
  • Etter, A.J., West, A.M., Burnett, J.L., Wu, S.T., Veenhuizen, D., Ogas, R.A., Oliver, H.F. 2019. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85(16):
  • Etter, A.J.,* Hammons, S.R.,* Simmons, C., Roof, S, Wu, T., Cook, P.W., Katubig, A., Stasiewicz M.J., Wright, E., Worchocki, S., Thesmar, H.S., Hollingworth, J., Wiedmann, M., and Oliver, H.F. 2017.. J. Food Prot. 80(11): 1903-1912. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
  • Hammons, S. R., Etter, A.J., Wang, J., Wu, T., Ford, T., Howard, M.T., and Oliver H.F. 2017. . J. Food Prot. 80(11): 1913-1923.
  • Wang, J.,* Ray, A.J.,* Hammons, S.R., and Oliver, H.F. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 2015; 12(2): 151-158. *These authors contributed equally to this work

Awards and Recognition

  • Interviewed on the Dave Gram Show for Seeds and Society segment on November 7, 2019 about research on backyard chickens and Salmonella Interview at:
  • USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (NIFA-AFRI) Predoctoral Research Fellowship. 2016-2018. Award No.: 2017-67011-26041
  • International Association for Food Protection Developing Scientist Awards Technical Talk Competition First Place Award (2017)

Associations and Affiliations

International Association for Food Protection (2014-present).

Member of the following professional development groups:

  • Dairy Safety and Quality
  • Developing Food Safety Professionals
  • Retail and Food Service
  • Meat and Poultry
Andrea Etter, PhD

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

  • Food Safety and food microbiology
  • Bacterial genetics and stress tolerance
  • Backyard chickens and Salmonella risk


  • PhD, Food Science, Purdue University, 2017
  • BS, Biology, Maranatha Baptist University, 2011


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  • 802-656-0541
Office Location:

353 MLS Carrigan Wing

Office Hours:

by appointment
