
Experiential Learning

As a student in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, opportunities abound to gain real-world experience beyond the classroom. Learn about the many ways you can strengthen your learning and pursue your passions through research, internships, service-learning, and global experiences.

These experiences can also provide opportunities to complete credit requirements either during the academic year or over the summer. This page is intended to be a starting point to help you navigate and explore experiential learning opportunities in CALS.

Two undergraduate students work in the lab on an experiment


Each semester, students across CALS are immersed in labs conducting research alongside faculty mentors. Undergraduate research can also provide invaluable experience in preparation for graduate school or other advanced degree programs.

Student completing her internship at a print shop


Internships offer a chance for students to get a taste of what a future career path might look like while gaining valuable resume-boosting experience that can lead to a job after graduation. Internships may be paid or unpaid, for-credit or not, and built into your schedule.
