Professor Emeritus

Dr. Kolodinsky is Professor Emeritus in the department of CDAE and the former Director of the Center for Rural Studies. Dr. Kolodinsky specializes in applied economics: the application of the concepts of demand, consumer behavior, and marketing principles to improve consumer wellbeing.

Research and/or Creative Works

Recently, Dr. Kolodinsky has been researching and exploring controversial food system policy issues including consumer demand for hemp products, the economics of information related to the labeling of foods produced using genetic modification, and the use of subsidies to increase fresh food access for families with limited resources. Dr. Kolodinsky has over 200 academic publications, and has received over $6 million dollars in funding for her research. She has been recognized for her teaching and public service, and in the continued development of CDAE as a transdisciplinary department relevant to community needs in Vermont, nationally, and around the globe.  She has a robust interest in Food Systems and is a faculty affiliate of the Food Systems graduate program. She chairs the undergraduate Food Systems major advisory committee.  Jane is active in her profession and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Council on Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics, edited a special issue, “More than Value$ in the Food System,” for the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development, and is leading the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association’s 40th year celebration of CWAE-Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics.


  • Kolodinsky, Jane, Jeffrey Buzas, Nick Rose, and Yuqing Zheng. 2022.“Neither, either, or both? Who sees GM and non‐GM food labels?” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 1–17.
  • Pratt, B. W., Erickson, J. D., Kolodinsky, J., Monsen, E., & Wales, W. J. (2022). Shades of Green: Modelling Differences in Thought and Action among Electric Utility Regime Actors in the Energy System Transition. Sustainability, 14(20), 13287. MDPI AG.
  • Wang, W., Hollas, C., Chase, L., Conner, D., and Kolodinsky, J., (2022). Challenges in Agritourism and Access to resources: A US regional analysis. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
  • Lacasse, H. and J. Kolodinsky (2022).  Consumer trends and the consumption of industrial hemp-based products.  Chapter 14 in Industrial Hemp: Food and Nutraceutical Applications. Elsevier, London, pp. 367-381.
  • Hanson KL, Xu L, Marshall GA, et al. Participation in Cost-offset Community Supported Agriculture by Low-income Households in the U.S. is Associated with Community Characteristics and Operational Practices. Public Health Nutrition. 2022; e-pub ahead of print:1-25. doi:10.1017/S1368980022000908.
  • Belarmino, Emily,  Jane Kolodinsky, Alice S. Ammerman, Leah Connor Volpe, Covington Brown, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Karla L. Hanson, Marilyn Sitaker, Weiwei Wang, Jared McGuirt, Michelle Carfagno, Emily Hunsinger, and Rebecca A. Seguin-Fowler (2022). Growing Opportunities for Equitable, Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Food Systems Education: A Review of Food Systems Education at Land-Grant Institutions and Development of Open-Access Materials. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
  • Wang, Qingbin, Natasha Baranow, Jane Kolodinsky and Amy Trubek (2022). Convivial cooking: impacts of an educational intervention on college students’ food agency. Journal of College Student Health. DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2022.2122721
  • Baker, Daniel, Jini Kades, Jane Kolodinsky and Emily Belarmino (in press, 2021). Latino Immigrant Dairy Farmworker Stress. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
  • Kostell, Steven, Kelly Hamshaw, Thomas DeSisto and Jane Kolodinsky (in press, 2021). Community-Engaged Learning & Transdisciplinary Approaches in Undergraduate Community Development Education. International Journal of Community Well Being, Special Issue on Community Development Education.
  • Seguin-Fowler, R., Hanson, K., Jilcott Pitts, S., Kolodinsky, J., Sitaker, M., Ammerman, A., Marshall, G., Morgan, E., Garner, J., and W. Wang (accepted July 2021). Community Supported Agriculture plus Nutrition Education Improves Skills, Self-efficacy and Dietary Behaviors among Low-Income Caregivers but not their Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
  • Sitaker, M., McCall, M., Wang, W., Vaccaro, M., Kolodinsky, J. M., Ammerman, A., Jilcott Pitts, S., Hanson, K., Smith, D., K, & Seguin-Fowler, R. A. (2021). Models for cost-offset community supported agriculture (CO-CSA) programs. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Advance online publication.
  • Seguin-Fowler, R. A., Hanson, K. L., Marshall, G. A., Belarmino, E. H., Jilcott Pitts, S. B., Kolodinsky, J., Sitaker, M., & Ammerman, A. (2021). Fruit and Vegetable Intake Assessed by Repeat 24 h Recalls, but Not by A Dietary Screener, Is Associated with Skin Carotenoid Measurements in Children. Nutrients, 13(3), 980.
  • Vatovec, Christine, Jane Kolodinsky, Christine Hart, Peter Callas, and Katie Gallagher (2021). Pharmaceutical pollution sources and solutions: Survey of human and veterinary medication purchasing, use, and disposal. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021-02-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112106\
  • Van Vaanderen, Zoe, Marilyn Sitaker, Weiwei Wang, and Jane Kolodinsky (2021). Rural Consumer Response to a Food Distribution Innovation that Connects Farmers, Retailers, and Buyers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1-8. doi:10.1017/S174217052100003X
  • Kolodinsky, Jane (2021). Labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms in the United States. In Chapter 9, Genetically Modified Organisms. Examining Internet and Technology around the World. Laura Steckman, editor. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, pp. 325-330.
  • Sitaker, M., J. Kolodinsky, L. Chase, W. Wang, J. Van Soelen Kim, D. Smith, H. Estrin, Z. Van Vlaanderen, and L. Greco (2020). Evaluation of Farm Fresh Food Boxes, a hybrid alternative food network market innovation. Sustainability, 12(24), 25pp. available:
  • Kolodinsky J. and Lacasse H. (2020). Consumer response to hemp: A case study of Vermont residents from 2019 to 2020. GCB Bioenergy. 2020:  00:1–9.
  • Kolodinsky, Jane (2020). Teaching about Diversity and Racism in Food Systems:  An Example for Agricultural Economics and Related Departments. Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Volume 2.  Available:
  • Brinkman, J. Wang, W., Garnett, B., Pope, L., and Kolodinsky, J.  (2020, in press). The buffering effect of intra-and interpersonal factors on the relationship between food insecurity and mental well-being among middle school students. Journal of School Health.
  • Heiss, S., Daigle, K., & Kolodinsky, J. (2020). Poetic Expressions of Transdisciplinary Food Systems Collaborations. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1–14.
  • Kolodinsky, Jane, Hannah Lacasse and Kati Gallagher (2020).  Attitudes, Knowledge and Purchase Behaviors:  Industrial Hemp in Vermont. Sustainability. 12(15), 6287;
  • Sitaker, M., McCall, M., Kolodinsky, J., Wang, W., Ammerman, A., Bulpitt, K., Jilcott Pitts, S., Hanson, K., Volpe, L., & Seguin-Fowler, R. (2020). Helping Farmers with Continuation Planning for Cost-Offset Community Supported Agriculture to Low-Income Families. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 1–20.
  • Greco, L, Kolodinsky, J., Sitaker, M., Chase, L., Conner, D., Estrin, H., Smith, D., & Van Soelen Kim, J. (2020). Farm Fresh Food Boxes: A pilot that examined relationships in value chain partnerships. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Advance online publication.
  • Tobin, D., Belarmino, E., & Kolodinsky, J. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue: More Than Value$ in the Food System. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(4), 9–13.
  • Garner, Jennifer, Stephanie B Jilcot Pitts, Karla L Hanson, Alice S Ammerman, Jane Kolodinsky, Marilyn Sitaker, and Rebecca A Seguin-Fowler (2020). Making Community Supported Agriculture Accessible to Low-Income Families: findings from the Farm Fresh Foods for Healthy Kids Process Evaluation. Translational Behavioral Medicine, ibaa080, 15 September.
  • Lu, I., Hanson, K., Jilcott Pitts, S., Kolodinsky, J., Ammerman, A., Sitaker, M., . . . Seguin, R. (2020). Perceptions of nutrition education classes offered in conjunction with a community-supported agriculture intervention among low-income families. Public Health Nutrition, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S1368980020002773
  • Sitaker, M., McCall, M., Belarmino, E. H., Wang, W., Kolodinsky, J. M., McGuirt, J. T., Ammerman, A. S., Jilcott Pitts, S. B., & Seguin-Fowler, R. A. (2020). Balancing social values with economic realities: Farmer experience with cost-offset community supported agriculture. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Advance online publication.
  • Walsh, Christine, Rebecca A. Seguin, Alice S. Ammerman, Karla L. Hanson, Stephanie B. Jilcott Pitts, Jane Kolodinsky, Marilyn Sitaker, Susan T. Ennett (2020). Snacking, Sugar Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Overweight among Children in Low-Income Households. Nutrition and Food Science.
  • Kolodinsky, J., M. Sitaker, L. Chase, D. Smith and W. Wang (2020). Food Systems Disruptions:  Turning a Threat into an Opportunity for Local Food Systems, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development. Available:
  • Moser, Michael, Kati Gallagher, Mairi-Jane Fox, and Jane Kolodinsky (2020). From Measurement to Application: Wellbeing Indicators in Socio-Ecological Systems. Book Chapter in The Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics

Awards and Recognition

  • Fulbright Chair in Food Safety, University of Alberta, 2021
  • NAREEE Board of Directors (2021-2023) National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board, United States Department of Agriculture
  • CFARE Board of Directors (2019-present) Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • Gund Center for the Environment, Fellow, 2018-
  • University Scholar, University of Vermont, 2017
  • Distinguished Fellow, American Council on Consumer Interests, 2017
  • FSLI (Food Systems Leadership) Faculty Fellow, 2007-08
  • Vogelmann Award for Research Excellence 2005
  • ̽̽ Vermonters in Pursuit of Research Excellence Award 2000
  • Fulbright Senior Fellowship, Institute for Social Medicine and the Hanover (Hanover, Germany) 1998
  • American Council on Consumer Interests Mid-Career Award for Professional Achievements and Service to the Organization 1997
  • State Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture Leadership Development Program (ESCOP/ACOP) 1996-1997
  • HERS Women in Higher Education Administration Program Fellowship 1995-1996
  • Carrigan Teaching Award for Outstanding Teaching 1994
  • 1989 American Council on Consumer Interests Dissertation Award

Associations and Affiliations

  • Agricultural and Applied Economics Association:
  • Food and Agricultural Marketing Section 2017, Past Chair
  • Institutional and Behavioral Economics Section, 2018, Chair
  • CRENET, incoming chair, 2018
  • Food Safety and Nutrition Section, 2016
  • American Council on Consumer Interests, Past President and Board Member
Jane Kolodinsky

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

concepts of demand, consumer behavior, and marketing principles to improve consumer wellbeing.


  • PhD 1988 Cornell University
  • MBA 1983 Kent State University
  • BS 1981 Kent State University


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  • 802.656.4616
Office Location:

202 Morrill Hall