Be searching

Students review a scan with their professor
Classroom learning
test tubes and beakers
Engaging classroom lectures
Looking up at the tower of Ira Allen chapel
Chemistry is often referred to as the “central science” because it ties together the physical, life, and applied sciences. Biochemists study the molecular interactions that guide many processes involved in living organisms. This involves exploring the underlying chemical and physical properties of these organisms, from metabolism and enzyme kinetics to gene transfection and cellular signaling. With recent discoveries describing the molecular basis of life, tremendous opportunities await those students with the right background and training in this field.
Biochemistry at ̽̽ is a cross-college program, meaning students can pursue the major as part of ̽̽'s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences or College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).By virtue of its interdisciplinary nature, the undergraduate biochemistry program is a collaborative endeavor that brings together the combined expertise of the Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics departments.
The major requirements for the Biochemistry B.S. are the same regardless of college. However, in addition to courses required for completion of a major, each college has its own requirements to ensure graduates have received a well-rounded education. See the requirements of each college below.

Beyond the classroom

Many biochemistry majors get involved in undergraduate research or pre-health experiential learning opportunities. Explore your options! Talk to your advisor!”


  • Analytical chemist
  • Biomedical scientist
  • Biotechnologist
  • Educator
  • Forensic scientist
  • Laboratory technician
  • Nanotechnologist
  • Pharmaceutical Chemist
  • Physician
  • Research scientist
  • Toxicologist
  • University professor

Where alumni work

  • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Green Mountain Antibodies
  • UMass Medical School
  • US Department of Energy, Joint Genome Institute

Graduate Schools

  • University of Pittsburgh Medical College, Ophthalmic Surgery
  • UC Santa Cruz Scientific Communication ProgramUC Davis Veterinary School
  • University of Vermont Medical College
  • Boston University College of Dentistry
  • Harvard University Medical College, Molecular Pharmacology
  • Harvard University, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Cornell University, Biochemistry

Related Information


Learning Goals for the Undergraduate Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry.

Students will:

  • Demonstrate general knowledge in biochemistry, chemistry and biology and will be able to apply principles from these disciplines in the solution of qualitative and quantitative biochemical problems.
  • Understand the interplay of observational data, hypotheses, and hypothesis-driven experimentation through application of the scientific method.
  • Become proficient in biochemical laboratory techniques and be able to apply these to practical and current problems in research.
  • Be able to read and critically evaluate biochemical and biochemistry-related literature.
  • Learn to present scientific data clearly and effectively through both written and verbal communication.