Following are resources you can use to prevent sexual harassment on your farm, and to respond to it if need be.
Farm Manager Video Series: Preventing Sexual Harassment
Learn about methods to prevent sexual harassment on your farm, and to how to identify and handle it if it occurs. University of New Hampshire's Pat McCabe discusses how farmers can protect your business by promoting a work environment free of sexually inappropriate behavior, making sure your workers know what types of behavior is expected of them, providing resources and support to all of your workers and knowing your state's laws.
Safety in the Field: Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment for Farm Workers
This training from the Agrisafe Network provides information about reporting incidents to authorities, making employees aware of their legal rights, implementing safe work practices, medical referrals, treatments and options including counseling if needed. It covers the scope and nature of workplace violence occurring in agriuclture in the US, employers responsibilities in addressing workplace violence and implementing preventative measures, and effective strategies to make the workplace safer and more responsive to employees. The training is relevant to owners and operators of farm businesses, managers, and any person who serves as safety personnel in an agricultural setting. Visit