Past Events

You can find our past events listed below. View upcoming events here.

  • Understanding Beneficial Ownership Information Filing Requirements for Farms

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    Starting in 2024, many small businesses, including farms, are required to comply with new Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filing requirements. Not sure if this applies to your business? Join this upcoming online workshop, hosted with expert business advisors from @NHSBDC, to learn all the details and ask your questions live!

  • Women Farmers Aging Strong

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    Join us for this virtual learning circle series running from September through May to help us preserve and protect our most important farming tool: our own bodies. Each month we will cover a different theme and topic, including both mental and physical health awareness along with a new movement exercise we’ll do together. Free. 

  • NH Movement Workshops

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    Learn better body mechanics and movement patterns in order to decrease injury potential, increase efficiency and extend career longevity. The same workshop will be offered at Sweet Beet Farm in Bradford, NH on May 29 and at Tuckaway Farm in Lee, NH on May 30.

  • Protect & Preserve Your Most Important Tool: You!

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    April 5 Update: Registration is Closed.

    We have maxed the registrations for this April Retreat but are excited to be able to offer the same series again in November, 2024 and January 2025. Visit the main Farm Labor Dashboard "Events" page for details and grab your spot!

  • Learning Circles

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    Women-centered "Learning Circles” celebrate a peer-based learning model that works exceptionally well with women farmers, bringing together small groups to share and learn from each other. Refreshingly different from typical webinar lecture formats, these well-received participatory sessions draw on discussion and shared learning and support between each other.

  • Learning Circles

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    Women-centered "Learning Circles” celebrate a peer-based learning model that works exceptionally well with women farmers, bringing together small groups to share and learn from each other. Refreshingly different from typical webinar lecture formats, these well-received participatory sessions draw on discussion and shared learning and support between each other.

  • The Art of Negotiation

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    Participants will explore what negotiation is - and is not, and learn how to prepare for and execute a successful negotiation, and how to preserve relationships when the negotiation is not successful.

  • Learning Circles

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    Women-centered "Learning Circles” celebrate a peer-based learning model that works exceptionally well with women farmers, bringing together small groups to share and learn from each other. Refreshingly different from typical webinar lecture formats, these well-received participatory sessions draw on discussion and shared learning and support between each other.

  • Practical Techniques to Optimize Employee Performance

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    Explore ways farm owners and managers can bring out the best in their employees, and learn about tools that can help establish consistent expectations, support supervision, and help your farm to be in legal compliance.

  • Staffing Up

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    This interactive session will explore strategies to create the farm culture needed to effectively hire and retain the right employees for your farm. We'll also introduce tools and resources to help with job descriptions, interviewing, organizational charts that support those efforts.

  • Building Better Work Teams

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    In this 3-part online workshop, we will use the DiSC Workplace Profile, to help you identify your preferred work styles and environment, and explore how those preferences can guide strategies to being an effective leader/manager, managing conflict and building strong and productive work teams. In this 3-part online workshop, we will use the DiSC Workplace Profile, to help you identify your preferred work styles and environment, and explore how those preferences can guide strategies to being an effective leader/manager, managing conflict and building strong and productive work teams. There is a participant fee for this workshop, and advance registration is required.

  • Planning For Payroll

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    Attend this online workshop on Jan. 9 to learn about simple tools to help you calculate the cost of hired workers and prepare to have the resources on hand to meet payroll needs throughout the year. Optional "office hours" on Jan. 12 with University of Wisconsin farm viability specialist John Hendrickson to answer your individual follow-up questions.